
This portrait, together with its companion piece "Daughter of the Dust" is an homage to the immorality, futility and inevitably catastrophic loss of life and civilization in ALL war, regardless the country or the people. It's not about taking sides but about portraying the misguided, inhumane and inevitable end result of ALL war. I felt compelled to create this work as one tiny effort to bear witness to the unspeakable carnage and genocide that grinds on by the day in many places on our tired and tortured planet. It is the very least I can do to justify taking up space on this earth, while so many others have prematurely and excruciatingly painfully turned to dust. It is only by the accident of birth that I am here, and they are there.

An oil pastel transfer on paper
Dimensions: 10.00" x 8.00" / 20.00" x 16.00 framed
Price: $750

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